Symbol Master excels in market data management with expert, customizable services for options trading, market data provision, and quantitative research. We deliver high-quality, cost-effective data with complete US Market Coverage, backed by precision software and a commitment to accuracy.
News – Symbol Master Announces Enhancement to IntraDay Service
We are pleased to announce the completion of an enhancement to our IntraDay service.
The new IntraDay4 files use the same format as the existing IntraDay3 but they are generated more frequently.
IntraDay4 files are generated twice an hour from 9am to 4pm ET. This enhancement doubles the current frequency and will cut down on the time between an exchange listing a strike and the ability for the strike to be traded by our clients.…
News – Information Publishing Limited Acquires 80% Stake in Symbol Master Incorporated, a Pioneer in Global Financial Data Symbology
London/New York: April 25, 2024 – Information Publishing Limited (IPL), an investment holding company known for its strategic investments in the capital markets and data software sector, is pleased to announce the acquisition of an 80% stake in Symbol Master Inc (SMI), a pioneer in consistent options symbology for the financial community. Symbol Master Inc. has stood as the beacon of precision in Standardized Options Symbology for more than 50 years. By offering unparalleled symbology validation software and services, SMI has been instrumental in aiding organizations in managing security master and reference data with unmatched accuracy and reliability.
This strategic acquisition marks a significant milestone in IPL’s mission to enhance its product offerings and expand its market presence.